Eta Car numbers

The.central.object The Homunculus
Radiative power: 5 000 0000 x Sun  Geometry: bipolar lobes + equatorial "jets"
Wind power: 100 000 000 x Solar wind  Inclination (major axis): tilted by 57deg from our  line-of-sight towards the plane of the sky
Born masses: 110 + 40? x Sun (2 stars)  Size (major axis): 500 x Solar System 
Present masses: ~70 + 30? x Sun Total mass (gas+dust): 2 x Sun
Distance: 7 500 light-years  Mass in dust grains: 1000 x Solar System's planets
Age: 2.56 Myr (Sun ~ 5 Gyr) Density (gas): >10 000 particles/cm3
Total lifetime: ~3 Myr (Sun ~12 Gyr)  Age - Bipolar flow = 157 years
Temperature: ~16 000 + ~30 000 K Expansion velocity - bipolar flow = 650 km/s 
         .................. ....equatorial "jets" = 40-1500 km/s 
Radius (brightest star): ~ 1 A.U. Dust temp: 300 oC near the star, -150 oC in the lobes
Periastron distance: ~ 4 A.U. Myr = million years, Gyr = billion years, 1light-year ~ 9 000 000 000 000 km, radiative power of the Sun ~40 billion Megatons/sec